Saturday, November 29, 2008

Concept Art

Some wondeful concept art, by my wonderful artist Gyrowolf (aka D-Pad).

Marshal Xaver

Gyrowolf's Lair

Friday, November 28, 2008

It has arrived!

The demo teaser to Cry of the Fox has arrived!
Aargh! Where is the text?
Ah.. you got the font problem people noted to me.. just download the Font Fix.
Place the font in C:/windows/fonts

Why don't the faces fit the charsets?
The faces are placeholder, I have a faceset artist (Gyrowolf aka D-Pad) working on the faces.

Why are most custom charsets generated?
Because I have no spriter at this moment. I hope I will find one soon.
If you are a spriter and are interested in joining. Please contact me.

Why don't you have a custom titlescreen?
I will, but it's Work In Progress at the moment.

Why don't you have gameplay in the demo.
Because not all gameplaysystems are ready to be released for the demo, though I hope to release something playable
by new year.

Your game is crappy... why does it suck so much?
What exactly is crappy about it? Tell me so I can improve that.