Saturday, July 26, 2008


A good question that is asked a lot is how far are you? Well I'm working in chapters so I give you the progress of Chapter 1: Everlasting Paradise.

Please note, I have no spriter so it is hard to tell when Sprites will reach 100%.

Storyline for Chapter 1: 100%
Storyline total 60%

Dialogue Chapter 1: 70%
TOTAL (chapter 1): 85%

Mapping out:
Partino Castle Interior: 100%
Church of Aretas Interior 75%
Aretas exterior 0%
Askarin Interior 100%
Askarin Exterior 100%
TOTAL: 75%

Partino Castle Events 100%
Church of Aretas Events 20%
Askarin Events (without cutscenes) 100%
Askarin Events (cutscenes) 20%

Battlesystem 100%
Advanced Message System 100%
TOTAL 100%

Main Characters Sprite 0%
NPC Sprites 10%

Facesets: 10% (10% is the rtp only)
Titlescreen 100%
Game Over 0%
TOTAL 36,5%

planned music is being made by composer, unknown progress

Chapter 1 is cutscene so, no database progress
for total game:
Actors: 100%
Classes: 75%
Skills 40%
Items 40%
Weapons 40%
Armours 40%
Enemies 0%
Troops 0%
States 60%

GRAND TOTAL for Chapter 1: (not including database)

Agra Motey bio

Name Agra Motey
Age 25
Appearanceblond long hair, never combed but wild, tanned, small, green eyes. The build is of someone who worked her entire life she looks and is strong for a girl of her age, heck even for a boy. Even though she is 25 she looks barely 18, she wears the shiny armor of the Guard with proud.
Weapon of Choice Agra is skilled in the sword. She’s been fighting with sword ever since she joined the guard at the age of 16 and seems to have a talent for it.
Talents Soon as Agra joined the Guard they discovered she had a great agility. She runs faster then many trained athletes. Agra is a perfectionist and doesn’t quit after failing.
Occupation Full time member of the Askarin Guard.
Hometown Askarin
Agra was 6 when the civil war raged through Askarin, she lived in the slums which almost certainly saved her life. The soldiers were trying to take out the rich parts of the town and ignored the slums almost completely. After the war her parents were scared to stay in Askarin, but the 8 year old Agra rebelled against there mother and decided to stay left with her grandfather.

At the age of 16 she decided to join the guard, and soon got the rank of Private. Years later a young boy called Toren joined and within the year he had a higher rank then her. In the beginning she was frustrated but soon befriended Toren. After the death of her grandfather she moved to the slightly richer part of town but never lost the touch with the slums. She paid the rent of a small house with the wage that she received from working with the guard.

She learned that Toren fought against the poverty and helped him, she shared the failure in "The Seat of Topas" and helped the poor now to find new political ways. She also thinks that serving The Guard is helping the poor.

She sees Fox as a big menace, and a danger. Since The Guard has put every crime in Askarin in the hands of the vigilante she believed him to be a murderer and a thief...
She received the rank of General and helped Toren chase the Fox after his many failures she took over that position.

Friday, July 25, 2008


Yes! Screenshots, well not much but at least the first tease. The character sets may possibly be used 'till the end but I handle them now as placeholders.

Askarin Harbour (not ingame footage XD)

Fox at night

Toren during daytime

Battlefield scene

Toren Iscaroth bio

Name Toren Iscaroth/The Fox
Age 21
Appearance A young scruffy man, his black hair covering the back of his neck and his forehead. Deep green eyes piercing as shiny emeralds. His clothes are unwashed and torn hiding away a most expensive armour only one of great fortune could buy. The man's skin is tanned by the many hours of walking guard in the sun. He doesn't have the air that other rich have and tries to hide away his origin. He is reluctantly the sergeant of the Askarin Guard where he has to wear a shiny red armour with a massive golden A on the chest.
Weapon of Choice As every member of the Guard, Toren is trained in the long sword.Though he can use any sword as his father trained him when he was young.
Talents As a member of the Guard Toren has learned the skill of not only sword fighting but also basic hand to hand fighting and stealth. He uses these skills also during night-time where he is known as The Fox. He isn't the person you would find in a crowd.He usually hides in the fields where he draws landscapes a talent he got from his mother.
Occupation General of Askarin Guard working under Marshal Lukas Xaver.
Toren is the son of Elena (née Fradrich) and Lukas Iscaroth. Elena left her homecity Partino to search wealth and a job in the economic hart of the country, the port city Askarin. Not only did she find wealth but also love with the young Askarin General Trevor. But suddenly and terribly the Island of Demenor reacted against the long time repression, and the Cleansing of the Countries wich would take the life of their beloved Cardinal. When the Armada of Demenor hit shore many men where to schocked to actually understand what was going on, many people died defending their city. When the fleet turned tail, few stood fighting. Trevor who had defended the city until the bitter end was honoured and granted the title of Marshal due to the death of his predecor. When eventually the time came to retire he was granted a nice bit of gold.

Toren lived in wealth and luxury a privileged life, as a young boy he used to sit at the edge of his father's hunting fields to draw the many animals and landscapes. As most topians Trevor and Elena believed in incarnation and that a human if living a good life may ascend to the rank of God himself as privileged as they were they believed an eternal seat among the Gods shouldn't be far anymore. Toren had his doubts, the Gods were there to protect the weak while the only thing he saw was the strong protecting weak. He once saw a wounded fox, fighting on her last lifeforce defending it pups from an enraged bear..

As young boy Toren learned many sword techniques from his father all with the idea of the boy becoming Marshal himself. At age 18 he joined the Guard and rised in ranks easily. Enraged at this sight was Marshal Xaver, a soldier of Askarin who fought besides Toren's father and had to wait for years to get a spot in the army he envied only to discover that his usurper might be his son. But as General Toren soon discovered that the Guard's ranks were filled with rich and privileged and that the poverty was ignored, enraged with this idea he went to the main place of authority the Seat of Topas, not getting a decent solution he felt the only choice was to make up for his deeds during daytime as The Fox during nighttime.

But the Fox story soon took mythic proportions, Fox was shown as a murderer and the Guard unknowingly of this lie started a hunt for his head. At the lead of this hunt was Toren self, and the Marshal enraged at Toren's continued failures replaced his place with Agra Motey. Fox received unimaginable support from the many poor but inevitable somebody collected the reward and betrayed the Fox.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Chapters and Stories, how I see it

The plan is to make the storyline in parts I have planned now 15, 30 minute chapters starting with Chapter 1: Eternal Paradise, which will basically be an overview of the history in that world until the moment you start playing. When this will be finished is unclear I have written the complete chapter including dialogue and am now fiercely working on the events and the maps.

All the chapters have already a title that may change overtime and there is with every chapter an idea of where I am going with it.

The storyline is almost finished I'm tying the knots together near the end of the story so there is a possibility that some things may change over time. I haven't worked out all the characters yet but those vital to the story have their role to play.

I hopefully can come back to all of you with the bio's of all the characters posted two posts earlier soon.

I should've done this first

I'm kinda ashamed by myself I didn't post this earlier, anyway here is a list of the people who helped me until now with my project.

SilentBackstabber for making a wonderful logo, and editing the titlescreen to fit it in.
Aërendyll for helping me out with basic advice, supporting me and how can I forget? A beautiful game icon and taking time and effort to explain spriting.
Touchfuzzy and Atra for proofreading parts of my topic on
Solistra for proofreading some of my topic on and helping me with my storyline.
Boogieknight for writing dialogue, and giving input and ideas for my game
Qusaflupi for letting me request a music piece in his shop
RoelfMik for helping me with the music in my game
Touchfuzzy, Mr. Anonymous and KGC for the wonderful scripts and the translations
Syvkal for some wonderful scripts
Mack and Aërendyll for respectivily making and compiling of tilesets
Kylock for translating the takentai battlesystem and making add-ons
Crimson.Echo and D-Pad Art and facesets for the great facesets and charsets
IRC-members for keeping me company during the development
Everyone who took the time and effort to read and something in my topic.

and everyone who I forgot and will add later.

Welcome + Characters

Welcome to the development Blog of the upcoming game Cry of the Fox,
the game is about the struggling city of Askarin crawling out of a shadow after a long civil war with an Island called Demenor.

The main characters (real bio's will follow in individual posts)

Fox, the vigilante who protects the poor with risk for own life, also known as the young General of the Askarin Guard, Toren Iscaroth. Who is in control of the search for Fox, due to his many failures that search came under command of General Agra Motey..

Agra Motey, also a general of the Askarin Guard, she helps Toren in his political struggle and starts a fierce investigation on The Fox, who according to the guard killed several people, she worked her way up from the slums to a rather luxurious life.

Kela Adriac, a daughter of the slums. Her brother got killed after the Guard demanded the true identity of Fox. Even if her brother died, she doesn't hold a grudge towards Fox and saves his life...

Alzar Jarotek, a magician. Since Topas started what was called a cleansing of their country only true humans were allowed. This among other things led to a Civil War where the magician Alzar fought on the side of Demenor, the side attacking Topas. After that period he worked for the Askarin Guard under cover hiding his blue hair a true sign of magic. Eventually this was discovered and he was set prison, only kept alive because his alchemy skill was handy for the Askarin Guard.

Jax, a young boy of unknown origin living in the slums. After he hears about the cashreward on the head of Fox he keeps an eye open for him, planning to deliver him out.

Stephan Artor, an exiled ex-Marshal of Demenor now sword for rent, he lives in the underground of Askarin as a shady merchant being one of the only people who still is able to get Demenorian goods.

Duke Azemar de Loas, the former Duke of Topas a very religious man who led Topas into a cleansing of all non-humans. Was deposed after the destruction of Askarin and rots away in a cell in Partino Castle for crimes against humanity.

Duke Ector de Loas, the current Duke of Topas, as religious as his brother but less cruel. He tried to rebond with Demenor which failed hopelessly, he is so busy with the international situation he doesn't care what happens in the city of Askarin.

Marshal Lukas Xaver, Lukas Xaver was the Marshal the followed in the footsteps of Toren's father Trevor Iscaroth. Even though he envyd the position for years. During the civil war, even though glorified as war hero he actually chickened out. This rumor spread among the Guard and held him back becoming Marshal himself until years later.