Thursday, September 4, 2008

Jax Bio

Name: Jax (unknown last name)
Age: Unknown (estimated around 20)
Appearance: Jax is a skinny boy, and his blond, spiky hair covers his face and bright green eyes. He has a pointy nose and a constant grin.
Weapon of Choice: Jax would answer that it's surprise, because aalthough he sports a small knife he only uses it in emergencies.
Talents: lockpicking, stealth, pickpocketing
Occupation: Jax is 'a gatherer of forgotten and misplaced goods' (in other words, he's a thief).
Jax is a very quiet person, and, like many of the slumpeople of Askarin, lives a beggar's life. One child begged for food while the other stole goods from the pockets of passerby. The duo consisted of Jax and Dwane. Jax has lived in the slums for over 15 years. He doesn't have any known family. He was left in the slums as a toddler by a young woman who told the people "His name is Jax". Why a desperate woman sought shelter for her son in the poorest parts of Askarin is unknown, but since that moment Jax has been the son of every Slumwoman.

He learned the skills of pickpocketing and stealth from the wrong people, and it soon became a daily routine for the Askarin Guard to chase Jax and Dwane around the slums. Dwane's ways changed, as when he hit 15 Dwane's mother became sick with an illness called Arethel's Curse. They were forced to close the shop they owned, and Dwane started taking care of his younger sister Kela. But Jax didn't change.

Jax wanted to help Veronica (Dwane's mother), as she was like a mother to him as well, and Dwane was like his brother. Kela, on the other hand, didn't like him at all. He promised to help pay for the medicine, which cost more then the average small house. But Kela soon discovered that stealing and lying were involved in his plan. When Dwane was held prisoner after hunting in a restricted area, Jax came up with a plan to set him free. However, it was Fox who succeeded.

Dwane was home again and the family was reunited. But Jax kept telling everyone how Fox made too many mistakes; how the Guard would find him right away. Later that evening a group of Soldiers including Marshal Xaver came after duty to demand the identity of Fox. Since they couldn't answer Dwane, was killed in a fight between the people of the slums and the guards.

Jax was furious that Fox did not do anything to prevent the conflict. When a few nights later he saw Fox sneaking through the slums, he ran towards the Guard House with the idea to claim the reward on Fox's head and buy the herb for Veronica.

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